In the heart of nature, art and science unfolds in LightWave, an outdoor installation that transforms the serene landscape into a realm of wonder and contemplation. Against the backdrop of the natural world, slender wooden poles stand like sentinels, awaiting the touch of light. Laser beams, carefully calibrated, slice through the air, painting with ephemeral strokes of brilliance. In this open expanse, the dance of light takes on a mesmerizing quality. LightWave is a visual ode to the enigmatic nature of light. As the laser beams traverse the space, they weave a narrative of duality – wave as a group, but discreet particles –. It's an invitation to explore, to wonder, and to marvel at the beauty and profound complexity of the universe's quantum fabric.
The Dance of Duality
2023Audiovisual laser installation
0- 0:000:00
Lightwave On Tour:
- Forte Marghera / Venice
- Production: Fondazione La Biennale di Venezia
- Photo Credits: 1024 architecture
1024 architecture